Area Attractions


The Hampton Heritage Interpretive Center on the Mississippi is located along Route 84, 5 miles south of Interstate 80 adjacent to East Moline's Empire Park. The center hosts interpretive displays designed to inform and educate visitors about the ecosystem of the Mississippi River and how the river played a role in the founding and heritage of Hampton. Our ultimate goal is for each visitor to understand and appreciate the importance of the Mississippi River corridor and to become a lifelong partner and steward in the preservation of this most important natural and cultural resource. The Heritage Center is open to the public Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's from 10am - 2pm. Please call the center with any questions at 309-755-8398.

The Heritage Center is also available for receptions, banquets, seminars, workshops, craft shows, trade shows, organized exercise classes, and parties. This unique location at the edge of the Mississippi River allows for its spectacular views complimented by the beautifully landscaped patio area surrounding the building. For information on rental of the Heritage Center, call Sherry Hooker at 309-755-8398 or 309-737-2832 or email

Hampton offers yoga at the Heritage Center, FREE, donations are accepted, YOGA Donations are given to the local Animal Shelter for food and bedding! Yoga classes are every Monday and Thursday, except the third Monday of the month from 7-8:00 PM (bring a mat). Check out our frisbee golf course at the Hampton Heritage Center Park entrance we now have a 9-hole Frisbee Golf Course, come and play!

The bike path through Hampton is one of the most scenic on either side of the river. The path runs roughly parallel to Route 84.

The first attraction and favorite stopping place along the bike path is Heritage Park. Many people drive to Hampton, park their cars and use their bikes to travel north as far as Cordova, Illinois. The rolling, open park land with a large pavilion located alongside the river, runs beside the Hampton Heritage Interpretive Center. Inside the Center is a large carved Gingko tree commemorating not war but, the industry and courage of the pioneers settling this area and the Native Americans that lived here.

Traveling north, in quick succession, you'll see the Soldier's Monument, Village Hall and at 6th Street and First Avenue, the 1849 restored Brettun & Black Mercantile Store Museum, the only museum directly off the bike Path. Illiniwek Park includes the 206 acre county-operated Illiniwek campground. There are 60 parking pads with water and electric hookups, shower houses and a dumping station. Motorized and towed campers of all types are accepted. There is also space for primitive tent camping along the shores of the Mississippi River or further into the park. The facilities include boat launch ramps, hiking trails, a picnic shelter and a wooded bluff picnic area overlooking the River.

The drive through Illiniwek park ends in a parking lot next to the river and a park area featuring a nature spiral. In 1996-7, local artist Kunhild Blacklock worked on this RiverWay project by the Quad City Arts and RiverAction. Boulders were sandblasted with figures of indigenous animals, plants and insects and left in a spiral arrangement commemorating the River's natural resources.

Fisherman's Recreation area and campground, with the same facilities as Illiniwek, is next to Lock and Dam 14 which has a parking lot. The Lock and Dam is maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers and is a popular location for eagle watching during the winter months.

On the bluffs east of Route 84, just off 4th Street is the old section of Hampton Cemetery. At the main (center) entrance is the newly refurbished GAR Veteran's Memorial Plaza. The original plaza contained a cannon, grave of an unknown soldier and a large plaque of the Gettysburg Address. Granite replaced crumbling bases and a large podium with a list of all the Hampton area Veteran's names under Plexiglas on the top.

Again on the bluff off Hubbard Road is Stone's Apple Barn, an orchard featuring a huge variety of apples and soft fruits to pick for yourself or enter the main barn for baskets or bags of fruit, jugs of cider and gift items. A little further down Hubbard is Golfmohr Golf Course.

The extensive county operated parks occupy a large part of the northern end of the Village, connecting to the Eagle/wildlife preserve. In the historic district along the river, Heritage Park, Munson playground (5th Street at 3rd Avenue) and the large playground at the elementary school (4th Street at 3rd Avenue) offer children and adults outdoor play and picnic areas. Amidst the housing developments on the bluff are playgrounds and green spaces to retain the openness of the community.

In the Village of Hampton, antique, vintage and modern housing can be found. The community is rapidly growing in large part due to the number of local attractions.

Hampton is conveniently located on both sides of Route 84, only four miles from the Route 80 intersection. Within 2 miles of the Rock Island County Fairgrounds, stores, offices, the municipal bus line and within easy reach of the Quad City downs on the south makes this bedroom community very desirable. North on Rt. 84 are additional restaurants, antique shops, stores and Adventure Quest of the Quad Cities/A Prairie Lodge in Rapids City, Port Byron.

Hampton hosts the Firefighter's annual chili suppers and pancake breakfasts, the Fire/Rescue Auxiliary's annual Bunco Night fund raisers and the Historical Society's Annual Apple Festival. Hampton is a prime eagle watching and counting location. At the School, the very active PTA, Youth Committee and Boosters host all types of activities for the children and village residents. There is something for every individual and family at any time of year.

Tree with red leaves in the middle of a field City Hall of the Village of Hampton Tree with no leaves on the side of a river Pelican on the Mississippi River